Monday, July 4, 2011


Swimming for growing taller?

Swimming is an excellent growth maximizing activity. Any form of swimming is beneficial to your height in terms of relieving pressure from the spine, but the best stroke in terms of spine lengthening is the breast stroke.

This is the ideal stroke because while your legs are kicking one way, your arms are stretching you the other way - and all of this is happening while you are suspended weightless in the water.

Master this stroke and you will notice results.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Affirmations for growing taller

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements you choose to impress upon your subconscious mind in order to create
a desired change. The best affirmations are stated in the positive (what you want to experience, not what you don't want to experience) and are stated as if you already "are" or "have" the desired experience. You can also add your name to the affirmation.

Examples of good affirmations:
I, [name], am 185 cm tall now. I, [name], am growing taller now and I will keep on growing until I am 185 cm tall.

You can also add 2nd and 3rd person affirmations (as if someone else was making the statement to you, or about you to another person.

You, [name], are 185 cm tall. (2nd person - someone talking to you) [name] is 185 cm tall. (3rd
person - someone talking about you)

Mechanical repetition of an affirmation just won't do. To have greatest success with affirmation, you need to get into a state of power. You can get into this state by PRETENDING and IMAGINING yourself as a being of power (if it helps you, you can imagine yourself as a wizard, or a magician). Imagine that EVERY WORD you say is a COMMAND, backed with power. Speak your words with CONVICTION and EXPECTATION that every word of your affirmation will come back to you FULFILLED.

There are many different ways in which you can use affirmations, and I'll mention some other ways later. You will greatly increase the effectiveness of your affirmations and the power of your word, if you practice saying what you really mean, if you keep your promises, and if you speak only when you really have something meaningful to say instead of engaging in mindless chatter.

To build confidence using affirmations, you can first experiment with issues that are not life-and-death situations, situations that you'd enjoy if they happened, but if they don't it's not big deal. This will allow you to "let go" and "let it happen" without feeling tense about the situation.

For example, you can state an affirmation in the morning that you are going to experience some wonderful surprise this week (or today) and watch for wonderful surprises coming your way with a sense of joyful anticipation.
Or, you can think of some dear friend you haven't heard from some time and you'd enjoy meeting with this friend or talking with this friend and you can create an affirmation stating that a friend is going to call you now or that you're going to meet with him (or her). In the beginning, you may meet with more success if you create affirmations for general situations, rather than specifics that are tied to specific people or events. As you meet with success and build confidence you can move on to more specific people or events.

Stretching Exercise no.1

Lie down with your face down on the floor. Start as if you were going to do push-ups. Both the arms and legs are held straight supporting you and are spread out about the width of your shoulders and hips. Toes are in the flexed position.

With your arms stretched, perpendicular to the floor, extend the head back and arch the back so that the body is in a sagging position. Gently move your head backward as far as possible. Now breathe in and bend at the hips, bringing the body up into an inverted "V". At the same time, tuck your chin to chest. Exhale as you lower your body down.

Repeat all the movements gently. You can begin with 3 repetitions (or more, if you feel comfortable), and add 1 extra repetition daily, until you are performing 21 repetitions. This exercise further opens the energy centers in your body and stimulates the movement of energy throughout your body.

Energizing exercise

Here is another simple exercise:

This exercise will increase your level of energy, rejuvenate your body and stimulate the glands in your body, increasing the release of growth hormones. You'll also learn how to direct this energy to increase the height of your body and how to further impress the image of your taller body upon your subconscious.

Stand erect with arms outstretched horizontal to the floor, palms facing down. Keep your arms in line with your shoulders. Spin around clockwise (to the right) until you become slightly dizzy. Generally, you should begin with about 5 spins a day and increase a spin a day until you do 21 spins. To prevent dizziness, before you begin to spin, focus your vision on a single point straight ahead of you. As you begin to turn, this point will leave your field of vision. When you face that direction again, refocus on your point.

Stop as soon as you feel dizzy, or when you performed up to 21 spins. When you stop spinning, close your eyes and turn them upward. Turning your eyes upward (as in prayer) helps you to access your subconscious mind.

Bring your palms up together, in front of your chest, as in prayer. This hand gesture/position will also help you to access your subconscious.

Now, repeat, silently or out loud, with conviction and feeling, the following affirmation:

"I am growing taller now. I am growing taller now. I am growing taller now. So be it! I am grateful!"

While repeating this affirmation imagine your body as tall as you want it to be. By spinning to the right, you generate energy - from the Universal Energy Field, absorbed through the energy centers in your body (chakras). This part of the exercise, by itself, stimulates endocrine system and rejuvenates the body.

However, you can immediately direct this energy and intentionally use it to grow your body taller, by turning your eyes upward, putting your hands in "prayer" gesture/position (Namaskara Mudra), imagining your body the way you want it to be and repeating the above affirmation.

The Sanskrit word mudra means seal. In the most antiquated times, mudra (hand gesture or position) was used with mantra (affirmation) to seal the pattern of energy. Mudras start electromagnetic currents within the body, affect neurology, and create an effect on human body and mind.

Hanging from a bar

Hanging from a bar: Can this exercise really increase my height?
Dr. Jeana Phillman, a medical doctor at San Juan Pediatric Hospital states that according to studies, you will
grow another inch if you hang on a bar every day for five minutes, for about three months.
Find a bar, and hang on it for 10 seconds or as long as you can, completing 5 minutes a day. You must at least hang for 30 minutes per week. Adding weights on your feet will make the exercise more effective. You can also swing back and forth, this will make it also more effective.
Make sure that the bar is at a good height, so that the body can be stretched completely. It is a quite simple exercise, and may seem difficult at first for those who don’t exercise frequenlty, but after 1-2 weeks you will get used to the exercise, and it will seem easier.

Herbal Supplements for growth

The main activity of these herbs in general is as a sexual stimulant, sports performance enhancer, growth booster, and general body tonic.

  • Tribulus Terrestris

Body builders use Tribulus Terrestris because they believe that it is a safe alternative to anabolic steroids. Tribulus Terrestris is testosterone enhancer. It enhances sports performance and is known to significantly "lift" the performance in bedroom. It increase sexual desire both in men and in women and is sometimes used as an aid in treatment of infertility and impotence. Recommended daily dosage is 750 - 1,250 mg.

  • Pueraria lobata (Kudzu vine)

Common names for this vine are: mile-a-minute vine, foot-a-night vine; and vine that ate the South. In Georgia, the legend says that you must close windows at night to keep it out of the house. For culinary and medicinal purposes, the root (Radix Pueraria, or Ge Gen in China) of kudzu is used. Actions of kudzu root: relaxes and dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow, calms and soothes nerves, has follicular hormone effect (stimulates the release of estrogens). Recommended daily dosage is 9 - 15 mg (2 - 3 capsules) 2 times per day.

  • Catuaba
Catuaba has a long history in herbal medicine as an aphrodisiac. Catuaba is considered a central nervous system stimulant with aphrodisiac properties and in addition to treating impotence is used for general exhaustion and fatigue, poor memory, and insomnia. Recommended daily dosage is 9 - 15 mg 2 times per day.

  • Sarsaparilla
Sarsaparilla has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac, for the treatment of impotence, as a general tonic, for physical weakness, and as a blood purifier. The majority of Sarsaparilla's pharmacological properties and actions have been attributed to a pharmacologically active group of phytochemicals called steroids and saponins. The saponins have been reported to facilitate the absorption by the body of other drugs and phytochemicals which accounts for its history of use in herbal formulas as a bioavailability and herbal enhancement agent.

  • Muira Puama (Potency wood)

Muira puma has a long history in herbal medicine as an aphrodisiac, and as a tonic for the nervous system.

  • Suma

Used for general tonic, energy and rejuvenating tonic, aphrodisiac, as well as a general cure-all for many types of illnesses. Suma has also been called "The Russian Secret" because it is taken by Russian Olympic athletes to increase muscle-building and endurance without the side effects associated with steroids. This action is attributed to the anabolic agent, beta-ecdysterone as well as three novel ecdysteroid glycosides which are found in high amounts in Suma. Suma is considered a tonic for the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system, the reproductive system, and the digestive system and is used to treat hormonal disorders, sexual dysfunction and sterility. Nutritionally, Suma root contains 19 different amino acids, a large number of electrolytes and trace minerals including iron, magnesium, cobalt, silica, zinc and the vitamins A, B-1, B-2, E, K, and pantothenic acid. The high content of germanium accounts for its properties as an oxygenator at the cellular level.

  • Maca

Maca has been used medicinally for centuries to enhance fertility. This energizing plant is also referred to as Peruvian ginseng. The nutritional value of dried Maca root is high, resembling cereal grains such as maize, rice and wheat. It has 59% carbohydrates, 10.2% protein, 8.5% fiber and 2.2% lipids. It has a large amount of essential amino acids and higher levels of iron and calcium than potatoes. Traditional uses include increasing energy, stamina and endurance in athletes, promoting mental clarity, treating male impotence, and helping with menstrual irregularities and female hormonal imbalances including menopause and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Human Growth Hormone and Amino Acids

Human Growth Hormone: What food should I eat for increasing my height?
Let us first examine some amino acids that are necessary for a satisfying release of HGH to our body! Yes, Human Growth Hormone is the hormone responsible for the growth of our body
What are amino acids?
Amino acids are building blocks of protein.
Amino Acids and Human Growth Hormone?

Medical director Giampapa of the Longevity Institute International recommends daily intake
consisting of:
  • 2 grams L-Arginine, 
  • 2 grams L-Ornithine, 
  • 1 gram L-Lysine and 
  • 1 gram L-Glutamine.
While higher doses of these amino-acids prove to be more effective, very high amounts
may result in gastrointestinal distress.
What food should I consume to take these necessary amino acids?
Arginine is found in a wide variety of foods, including animal sources:
- dairy products: cottage cheese, ricotta, milk, yogurt, whey protein drinks
- beef
- pork
- gelatin
- poultry (chicken and turkey light meat)
- seafood
and plant sources:
- wheat germ and flour
- buckwheat
- granola
- oatmeal
- peanuts
- nuts eg. cocnuts, pecans, cashews, walnuts, almonds etc
- seeds eg. pumpkin, sesame, sunflower
- chick peas
Can be found in:
  • Catfish
  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Soybeans
  • Winged Beans
  • Lentil
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Azuki beans
  • Milk, eggs,pe
  • Peas
Good sources of lysine are foods rich in protein such as soy, as well as meat
Dietary sources of L-glutamine include beef, chicken, fish, eggs, milk, dairy products, wheat, cabbage, beets, beans, spinach, and parsley.